Friday, August 25, 2006
Amnesty International: Deliberate Targeting of Civilian Infrastructure
Thursday, August 24, 2006
That's what they Believe
I'm not sure how many American share the views of this particular American, but I have reason to doubt there are plenty of ignorance, and those ignorant "folks" have no reason to doubt or to question their beliefs.
This is a summary of the beliefs based on real quotes:
Jewish Settlement in Palestine: 20th Century
“The Jews,” as they are called, did not take Palestine away from the Palestinians. In the first instance, they originally “stole” it from the Turks (sic), who also governed Egypt and Syria and a few other countries for several centuries.
Israel's right of existence: Nobody Existed before 1948
Many of the nations in the ME today are actually younger than Israel. … The English—God help us all—“invented” Iraq after WWI, by bulldozing together not merely Sunni and Shiite territory, but also Armenian, Kurd…
Middle East is not Arabic
The Middle East is not Arabic, though that may be the predominant culture, contested now and in the past 30 years by Iran.
Acceptance of Injustice: Reason to Pursue
[The conflict has to be put in] the context of the past 50 years in the ME as a whole and the violent bloodshed and genocide which have taken place there. Peoples of the ME accept (apparently) without blinking these terrible casualty figures and mindless wars. Allah wills it. Blessed be….
Selective Amnesia! Just make sure one forgets all the massacres, and the rest will be just right?
Others are just as bad: Hence, you cannot complain (Widespread injustice, Complete impunity)
Instead of looking only at Israel, look at the all of the elements in this tragedy, the daily rockets which have been raining down on Northern Israel for years, the brutality of Syrian politics within Lebanon, the antiquarian Iranian agenda behind the Hezbollah organization with all the tools of modernity.
I would hope that Israel is judged by a higher standard…. Is Israel uniquely and profoundly evil?
You've been Quiet before-Why Complain Now
[The accusation againt Israel] conceals (perhaps not accidentally) the enormous human violence and suffering which have taken place in the ME in modern times—WWI down to the present. British colonialism? OK. French colonialism? OK. But “the Jews” re-creating a nation for themselves on an ancient territory which had been theirs “only” until the Roman destruction of their country in the first century AD?
That is a cosmic atrocity against which all else just pales in comparison…?? [I think especially now of the mass contempt for human life, showed on both sides in the terrible war between Iraq and Iran in the ‘80s. What was the toll? Probably somewhere just under a million, but numbers vary by as much as half a million. Anyway…God (Allah) wills it.
I wonder if the native Americans who were infected with pest and hunted down like deer choose to reestablish their tribal dominance 100 years from now, how would the Americans feel? Or the Arabs to reclaim Spain as their land, or the Lebanese attack Tunis as they own Carthage {some still have the deeds}.. What kind of twisted logic is that?
Israel is now a better country than it were
I look at the political role of Israel in the Mediterranean world from the perspective of left-wing Israel (from its founding to 1980) and right-wing Israel (from 1980 to the present). Right wing Israel now includes the absolutely pernicious influence and funding of fundamentalist Christian America. …. There is a real difference between Golda Meier and Menachim Begin, as there was also between Moshe Dayan and Ari Sharon.
Others are as bad
Israel is neither on the side of the angels, nor of the demons. It is, like all other countries in the world, merely a political-economic-cultural entity, not the worst by any means and clearly not the best either (and both Switzerland and Sweden are far worse historically than either’s currently angelic reputation might lead one to believe).
Israel: The Harbinger of Modernity
This is a war against the complex symbolism of the state of Israel. Should the state of Israel be wiped off the face of the earth nothing in the very modern / very ancient Levant will have fundamentally changed. Islamic fundamentalism, not a religion, but a political ideology, will continue to rage because it is in a genocidal conflict with "the culture" of modernity itself.
Israel, lives in the world of modernity. Its enemies do not. They only use all the tools of modernity, to bring down the World Trade Center building in NY, …. by brilliant, ingenious people who believe that the only hope for the world is a return to sixth century AD darkness.
Israel is not fighting Lebanon
Israel is not fighting Lebanon, though that Lebanon is the one that is dying under Israel's air strikes and rockets. Israel is fighting Syria. Israel is fighting Hizbollah. And the only way this can happen is by Israel killing real Lebanese, against whom there is no strategic or political issue, only the deeply personal one of living or dying.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Restez Au Liban - (Poet Unknown)
Pour les premières amandes vertes que l'on croque, trempées de sel, et qui sonnent le glas de l'hiver,
Pour l'arbuste du balcon que l'on croyait mort et qui refleurit inexplicablement en décembre,
Pour le grincement familier de la balançoire sur laquelle on s'assoupit, enivrés de soleil, dans le chant des cigales,
Pour les klaxons « sauvages » d'un mariage d'été qui nous précipite pourtant tous au balcon pour voir si la mariée est belle,
Pour ces tribus de parents qui attendent&n bsp;à l'aéroport le retour au pays de l'enfant prodigue, et qui arrivent toujours beaucoup trop tôt,
Pour cette vieille mémé qu'on a refusé de mettre à l'asile malgré l'appartement de Beyrouth trop étroit,
et que son fils continue d'embrasser chaque soir,
Pour cette femme voilée qui fait, au mois de mai, le pèlerinage de Harissa,
Pour le jeune policier du carrefour qui fait semblant de rêver quand on traverse un feu orange,
Pour le « Ya hala » claironnant du steward qui nous accueille sur l'avion de Beyrouth,
Pour cet automobiliste souriant en trois pièces cravate qui,
un soir de Nouvel An très pluvieux, vous change votre pneu, sans vous rien demander
Pour ce soleil lumineux de janvier qui nous fait douter que la tempête terrifiante de tout à l'heure ait vraiment eu lieu,
Pour la voix si&n bsp;triste de Feyrouz qui réveille en nous une âme enfouie de villageoise d'opérette,
Pour l'odeur de la « mankouché » du matin qui est bien plus qu'une galette
au thym, comme la traduit bêtement le dictionnaire,
Pour ces cerises de juin si noires qu'elles colorent de violet les langues des enfants, Pour la maison d'en haut qu'on fait plus belle que l'autre, parce que c'est là qu'au soir de notre mort, on accueillera les gens du village,
Pour les soirs de Juin sur la terrasse, pour la vigne de septembre qui finit par nous offrir une grappe, pour les gardénias de mai,
Pour l'odeur mouillée de la terre après la première pluie,
Pour ne pas avoir froid, pour ne pas avoir peur, pour ne pas vivre seul,
pour...Pour tout cela .....
Restez au Liban!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Trust: A Snowball's Chance in Inferno!!
However, in response to a refreshing comment, I have some News on how trustworthy Israel has been towards Arab nations. -
o Israel-Iraq: In 1981 Israel launched a surprise air strike that destroyed an Iraqi reactor, which Israel feared would be used for plutonium production. Israel has its own nuclear power plant and arsenal. It too plans to drop them sometime soon. Anyway, by flying to Iraq, IDF violated Saudi Air Space- an act of War against two nations. If they used El-Al aircraft, it would have been only a civilian incursion. {hint: they're not smart}
When Israel disarms, removes chemical weapons and nuclear arsenal, perhaps then, only then one can trust that no war-driven bigot would press the wrong button, or that a fanatic who rises in power with crazy plans colludes with the battle-thirsty Generals to loose "forbearance." [Nice word, really!] The only Forbearance I see is what Egypt, Tunis, Jordan, Iraq, and Saudi have excercised at different times - for lack of proper "responses."
o Israel-Syria: Just the recent incidents:
Beirut 12 KM,
Saigon: 3000 KM
{You see, the road map was a trap for the invaders to stop, to read, &to turn into dust!!}.
You see, we're peaceful. As long as nobody gets hurt! {Except for egos, perhaps}.. How does it feel?!
WARNING>> For profanity and hateful comments, I would gladly receive and properly respond only if you leave your email address. Otherwise, such comments will be deleted.
... أن تكون شيعياً الآن
فما معنى ان تكون شيعيا – لغالبية الشيعة راهناً - وفي هذه المرحلة المصيرية؟
ان تكون شيعيا يعني ان تسلم امرك للقيادة الحكيمة والمعصومة دون التجرؤ على طرح اي تساؤل ولو من باب الاستفسار
ان تكون شيعيا يعني ان تشاهد محطة "المنار" و"نيو تي في" و"إن بي ان" حصرا وتنتشي بأغانيها الحماسية واخبارها حصرا، وان تنظر بعداء مستحكم الى جميع المحطات الاخرى لانها إما "اميركية" وإما "صهيونية" طالما انها تشير مثلا الى القوات الاسرائيلية باسمها هذا ولا تسميها قوات العدو حصراً ولا تشبعها نعوتا وتكتفي بنقل معلومات
ان تكون شيعيا يعني ألا تسال عن معنى النصر؟ هل هو انتصار العسكر وبقاء الجنود – مدججين بالسلاح- على قيد الحياة مع تدمير العمران وافناء البشر الذين تعبوا في بنائه ويشكلون الحماية الفعلية للمقاتل نفسه؟
ان تكون شيعيا يعني ألا تسأل عن معنى الصمود والكبرياء، هل هو الهرب من القصف والتكدس على بلاط المدارس وغبارها؟
ان تكون شيعيا يعني ان تساهم في فبركة "كربلاء 2" اللبنانية اذ ان "كربلاء 1" العراقية لم تقم بدورها كما يجب في تعبئة العرب وحملهم على الانتصار على العدو
ان تكون شيعيا يعني ان تكون بطلا لا تتألم ولا تشتكي ولا تتأزم نفسياً، وتقبل التضحية بنفسك وبلادك وكل ما تم انجازه لكي تلقن اسرائيل درسا وتظهر جنونها، وتؤكد هزيمتها المدوية على ما أشار علينا الوزير السوري في إذاعة البي بي سي من ان اسرائيل خرجت خاسرة "مع التشديد اللازم على مخارج الحروف". فهي مكروهة الآن كما لم تكن من قبل وألّبت عليها معظم دول العالم... التي تأكدت الآن وبالملموس – والدرس ما زال مستمراً – في مدى وحشيتها وجنونها
وعندما تكون شيعيا عليك ان ترضى بهذا المنطق بل ان تشيد به معجبا بفصاحته وحكمته ودوره العالمي على صعيد نشر ثقافة الحقوق وتفعيل المواثيق الدولية ودوره على الصعيد القومي في التحرير والصمود. ألم نتاكد بواسطة هذه الحرب علينا ان "سوريا هي حجر الزاوية في المنطقة"؟ والكلام لا يزال للوزير نفسه. بالطبع كان يجب كل هذا الدمار والخراب لكي نؤكد بالملموس صحة هذا المنطق العقلاني فنحن من شدة موضوعيتنا لا نعمل الا بالبرهان والتجربة الحسيين
ان تكون شيعيا يعني ان تقبل بان يخرب بلدك امام عينيك – غير المندهشتين – وينهدم على رأسك وتتهجر عائلاته وتتشرد وتصبح "لاجئة" في اربع زوايا الوطن والارض، وان تقبل الصمود دون تذمر طالما هناك مقاتل يملك صاروخا يمكنه ان يطلقه على شمال اسرائيل وربما جنوبها ايضاً دون ان تسأل عن "اللماذا"؟ أو عن صحة التوقيت؟ أو عن مدى جدوى النتيجة النهائية الحاصلة؟
ان تكون شيعيا يعني ان تقبل بان تضحي بكل شيء ما دام هناك من سيعوض عليك بالمال وهو شريف فوق ذلك لكي تعيد بناء ما دمر؟ ما مشكلتك في ذلك؟
فنحن قوم ابطال لا نعرف سوى ان نضحي وبامكاننا امتصاص الصدمات النفسية وموت الاحبة وبهدلة التهجير والقضاء على مقومات الدولة - فهي دولة فاسدة وضعيفة وتابعة - امام اعيننا أفلا يكفي أن الى جانبنا دولا قوية نعمل على تثبيت دعائمها ونقوي من عزيمتها في مجابهة القوة الاميركية الغاشمة والآلة العسكرية الجهمنية الاسرائيلية التي علينا ان نبرهن عن ضعفها وعدم قدرتها على إلحاق أي هزيمة بمقاومي "حزب الله"؟ او أي امكانية للحد من قدراتهم العسكرية؟ وبأي ثمن؟
ان تكون شيعيا يعني ان تلتزم الصمت ولا تسأل ما هو دور تحرير الاوطان في العادة: هل لإعادة تدميرها وتسهيل إعادة احتلالها مجددا!؟ وان لا تسأل عن دور القيادة: هل للمحافظة على قوتها العسكرية ورجالها المدججين بالسلاح دون ان تلقي بالا الى الانسان العادي؟ كونك شيعيا يجعل بامكانك فقط ان تشكر الحزب لبطولته وتضحياته فليست مهمتك الآن ان تساهم في "أضعافه" او في "كسر كلمته" وتجعله يعرف متى يتراجع او يهادن لكي يحفظ انتصاره من جهة والدولة اللبنانية وبشرها وعمرانها من جهة اخرى!! فذلك يعني ان تضع موضع تساؤل ان يكون للعزة اولوية على حياة الآخرين وللحجر افضلية على السلاح
ان تكون شيعيا يعني ان تفوّض سيد المقاومة بطلا مخلصا للامة العربية باجمعها، ليس سواء شئت انت ام ابيت بل سواء شاءت هذه الامة نفسها ذلك ام أبت، بل عليك ان تكتفي بالانتشاء بسماع المدائح الجماهيرية والشعبوية التي سبق ان مدحت بطلها المخلص عبد الناصر ولا تزال تذرف الدموع على بطلها الآخر صدام حسين وهي مستعدة لمديح اي بطل يدغدغ احلامها ومشاعرها لكي تنام قريرة العين (يمكنك هنا مراجعة ادبيات المثقفين وبطولاتهم في صحيفتي "السفير" و"الحياة") او لكي تستعيد كرامة مداسة تحت نعال الحكام من نمرة صدام ما دمنا وحدنا ندفع الثمن في انتظار صحوتهم الحقيقية
ولكن السؤال الى اي مدى يمكن الاعتماد على هذه الجماهير العاجزة والمستعبدة لكي تقاد – غصبا عنها - لكي تتحرر وتنتفض؟ دون ان نفكر مجرد تفكير في اعادة النظر بهذه الخطة الجهادية والثورية!! هل هي ممكنة؟ هل هي حكيمة بما يكفي؟ هل هيأت الارضية فعلا للبدء بها؟ هل اعدت العدة لتهيئة هذه الجماهيربما يمكنها من القتال والصمود بغير سلاح الحماسة والانفعال والخطابة؟
واذا كنت شيعيا ليس عليك ان تسأل هذه القيادة اين وكيف تمت تهيئة البنية التحتية لاستيعاب مثل هذه الحرب الشعواء ونتائجها "الاحتمالية"، اين هي المستشفيات وسيارات الاسعاف ناهيك عن الملاجئ وغيرها؟ فهذه من المهمات التي نلقيها على عاتق الدولة - التي لم يؤخذ لها رأي في اعلان الحرب - لكي تكون ذريعة للومها على عجزها وقلة حيلتها. فالدولة هي المرجع عندما نحتاجها لكي تضمد الجراح والقرارات الرشيدة والمصيرية ليست من حقها
وان تكون شيعيا يعني ان تعطل عقلك وتترك للسيد خامنئي أن يملي عليك ويسوقك ويقرر عنك حول ماذا يريد(هو) من سلاح "حزب الله"، وان يفرض عليك معنى للانتصار الذي لا فرق بينه وبين الانتحار
وان تكون شيعيا يعني ان تدافع عن تدخل الوزير الايراني متكي السافر بشؤون الدولة اللبنانية من دون مراعاة حتى للمظاهر، وهو ربما اتى لينبّه وزيري "حزب الله" في الحكومة انهما "لم يوافقا" على البنود السبعة (بل هيّئ لهما) وخاصة بند القوات الدولية كي لا نقفل باب المقاومة ونبقي البلد مشرعا ومستباحا وساحة للاستغلال، بعدما تبيّن الآن ان مزارع شبعا سورية وتخضع للقرار 242 والى عدم وجود اجماع حول هذا البند. وهو بهذا كأنه ينبههما الى خطئهما في تغليب انتمائهما اللبناني على تبعيتهما الايرانية، فعليهما رغم انفهما ان يغلبا مصلحة البرنامج النووي الايراني ومصلحة الدولة الايرانية على مصلحة دولتهما واولوية الحفاظ على ارواح اللبنانيين وممتلكاتهم، سواء أكانوا شيعة ام غير ذلك، بل خاصة اذا كانوا شيعة. أفليست الأولوية هي جعل إيران قوة اقليمية شيعية عظمى؟ ما أهمية التضحية ببلد اسمه لبنان؟ او بشيعة هذا "اللبنان"؟
وعليك في هذا الجو المتوتر والقلق عندما تكون شيعيا ان تستمع لمحدثك الشيعي المتوتر والغاضب والذي يريد ان يقلب الدنيا على رأس "14 آذار" وان يمنع نشر القوات الدولية، وتسمعه يوزع العمالة والخيانة والامركة والصهينة يمينا وشمالاً دون ان تنبس ببنت شفة بل عليك ان تمتص غضبه وتوافقه على كل آرائه التي عرضنا عينة منها
وهذا ما يجعلك أبعد ما يمكن ان تكون عن ان تفكر في من انت؟ هل انت مواطن لبناني؟ هل كونك شيعيا يلزمك باعطاء اولوية لإيران على لبنان؟ هل لك حرية رأي؟ او حرية تعبير؟ هل مسموح ان تفكر بروية وتسأل الى اين نحن ذاهبون بالوطن وبمقومات الدولة وبالتعددية وبالعيش المشترك الذي صار علينا ان ندافع عنه الان؟
فأن تكون شيعيا وتتجرأ على مثل هذه الكتابة وهذا التفكير يعني انك عميل وخائن ومع التقسيم والتوطين ومع مشاريع الصهينة والأسرلة وتدافع عن الدولة بفسادها ومحسوبيتها وانك تؤيد السياسة الاميركية المنحازة (بجدارة) وانك تقبل بقصر نظرها وبدعمها لارهاب الدولة الصهيونية وبعدم اعطائها الفلسطينيين دولتهم اسوة ببقية خلق الله بحجة عدم دعم ارهاب "حماس". ويعني انك تدعم اسرائيل نفسها وآلتهـا الجهنميــة ووحشيتها الفائقة وتبرر قتلها واحتلالها وجنونها وتكون محظوظا اذا لم تتهم بانك انت من يساهم بتهديم البيوت على رؤوس اصحابها وتمزيق جثث الاطفال ونثرها على الركام بإعلاء صوتك
فهل نسيت شيئا من المعزوفة؟ اذا فعلت سوف تعذروني لأني لا استطيع مقاطعة مسلسل نشرات الأخبار أكثر من ذلك، عليّ ان اذهب لأرى من يتهجر الآن ومن يتهدم بيته في هذه اللحظة اذا نجا من القتل
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Of Survival, Accusation & a bit more...

Notice the two fingers: combined – they are the symbol of victory over ruthless agression, of resilience. Separated, one is the finger of accusation, and the other finger – is… errrr… of defiance.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006
For No Reason, For all the Reason in the World
I love Beirut because one can party till 6 in the morning and not realize that it is Wednesday morning.
I love Beirut because Beirut is live as if they are going to die tomorrow and party as if they are going to live forever.
I love Beirut because every Beiruti has a political opinion and will share it with you even if you could care less about his and you want to share yours with him.
I love Beirut for all the conspiracy theories and how people actually believe them.
I love Beirut because as soon as I arrive at one of my friends houses his mom makes me to the kitchen & becomes the spokesperson of the refrigerator.
I love Beirut because one can smell gardenia, and jasmine.
I love Beirut because strawberries taste like strawberries & fruits taste like fruits.
I love Beirut because of the traffic jams and the people you meet because of them.
I love Beirut because we can differentiate between Civilians and Militants.
I love Beirut because we feel that it is better to die standing than to live on our knees.
I love Beirut because on MEA we can clap in unison when we are about to land.
I love Beirut not because it is my city, but because it is the city of Everyone.
I love Beirut because when I explain Beirut to my friends, my friends see the passion of Beirut in my eyes.
I love Beirut for no reason. I love Beirut for all the reasons of the "world".
Monday, August 14, 2006
The Bird is Back!
"the bird is back to build a nest in the brick roof,
and the flower is back to blossoming,
Winter is back, lovers get together,
Schools are back.. Kids.. Snow.. Festival..
...but those who are gone are gone!
They say it's destroyed, the country of Roar,
The country of time, that taught and built,
And World cried, the world cried..
BUT WE Shall stay.. But We shall stay..
We will come back from fires,
From streets Destroyed by Guns, We shall be back,
The True Lebanon is coming,
The Simple Lebanon is coming,
To push away painted faces and stamped promises,
And the rain will swipe them away,
In the shadow of doors, childhood is growing,
Heroism is growing,
Places are shinning,
Oh Great Country, the river of joy is bursting,
And in the light of the rising sun,
Life glitters. Life Glitters!
I sang the words, and then I said: as long as I shall live, that is my prayer, my Oath, my Promise!!
A Staged War: Read More!
Whatever the objective, does the end justify the means?
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Will of Life under Siege
Better still, it seems that the Lebanese people believe that looking good even under a death threat is always the priority. The Salon Chic Top for Men and the Wajih hair design for Ladies are packed full with guys who want to trim their goatee, and with ladies who are determined to maintain the perfect look [you can see my dusty car in the photo].
While two million Israelis are in bomb shelters beacuse their army's death machine is at the moment hovering over besieged-Sidon and all over Lebanon preparing for another air raid, the Lebanese win the war by keeping LIFE on their side, not fear, nor death.
To that I say, We have won this war again. The war of Life, the war of Hope, the war of Tomorrow.
God's Chosen People: Maybe Not!
Jostein Gaarder, Aftenposten 05.08.06
An article in a leading Norwegian newspaper last weekend lambasted Israel and Judaism and said Israel has lost its right to exist in its present form. Entitled "God's chosen people," the article by author Jostein Gaarder in Aftenposten is raising a storm in Norway. Gaarder, author of the book "Sophie's World," links the Israel Defense Forces' acts in Lebanon to Jewish history and foresees the coming dismantling of the state as it exists today, with the Jews becoming refugees.
There is no turning back. It is time to learn a new lesson: We do no longer recognize the state of Israel. We could not recognize the South African apartheid regime, nor did we recognize the Afghan Taliban regime. Then there were many who did not recognize Saddam Hussein's Iraq or the Serbs' ethnic cleansing. We must now get used to the idea: The state of Israel in its current form is history. The author was also interviewed on Haaretz:
We do not believe in the notion of God's chosen people. We laugh at this people's fancies and weep over its misdeeds. To act as God's chosen people is not only stupid and arrogant, but a crime against humanity. We call it racism.
There are limits to our patience, and there are limits to our tolerance. We do not believe in divine promises as justification for occupation and apartheid. We have left the Middle Ages behind. We laugh uneasily at those who still believe that the God of flora, fauna, and galaxies has selected one people in particular as his favorite and given it funny stone tablets, burning bushes, and a license to kill.
We acknowledge and pay heed to Europe's deep responsibility for the plight of the Jews, for the disgraceful harassment, the pogroms, and the Holocaust. It was historically and morally necessary for Jews to get their own home. However, the state of Israel, with its unscrupulous art of war and its disgusting weapons, has massacred its own legitimacy. It has systematically flaunted International Law, international conventions, and countless UN resolutions, and it can no longer expect protection from same. It has carpet bombed the recognition of the world. But fear not! The time of trouble shall soon be over.
We are now at the watershed. There is no turning back. The state of Israel has raped the recognition of the world and shall have no peace until it lays down its arms.
May spirit and word sweep away the apartheid walls of Israel. The state of Israel does not exist. It is now without defense, without skin. May the world therefore have mercy on the civilian population. For it is not civilian individuals at whom our doomsaying is directed.
We wish the people of Israel well, nothing but well, but we reserve the right not to eat Jaffa oranges as long as they taste foul and are poisonous. It was endurable to live some years without the blue grapes of apartheid.
We do not believe that Israel mourns forty killed Lebanese children more than it for over three thousand years has lamented forty years in the desert. We note that many Israelis celebrate such triumphs like they once cheered the scourges of the Lord as "fitting punishment" for the people of Egypt. (In that tale, the Lord, God of Israel, appears as an insatiable sadist.) We query whether most Israelis think that one Israeli life is worth more than forty Palestinian or Lebanese lives.
The retribution of blood vengeance
We do not recognize the rhetoric of the state of Israel. We do not recognize the spiral of retribution of the blood vengeance with "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." We do not recognize the principle of one or a thousand Arab eyes for one Israeli eye. We do not recognize collective punishment or population-wide diets as political weapons. Two thousand years have passed since a Jewish rabbi criticized the ancient doctrine of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."
He said: "Do to others as you would have them do to you." We do not recognize a state founded on antihumanistic principles and on the ruins of an archaic national and war religion. Or as Albert Schweitzer expressed it: "Humanitarianism consists in never sacrificing a human being to a purpose."
We do not recognize the old Kingdom of David as a model for the 21st century map of the Middle East. The Jewish rabbi claimed two thousand years ago that the Kingdom of God is not a martial restoration of the Kingdom of David, but that the Kingdom of God is within us and among us. The Kingdom of God is compassion and forgiveness.
Israel does not listen
For two thousand years, we have rehearsed the syllabus of humanism, but Israel does not listen. It was not the Pharisee that helped the man who lay by the wayside, having fallen prey to robbers. It was a Samaritan; today we would say, a Palestinian. For we are human first of all -- then Christian, Muslim, or Jewish. Or as the Jewish rabbi said: "And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others?" We do not accept the abduction of soldiers. But nor do we accept the deportation of whole populations or the abduction of legally elected parliamentarians and government ministers.
We recognize the state of Israel of 1948, but not the one of 1967. It is the state of Israel that fails to recognize, respect, or defer to the internationally lawful Israeli state of 1948. Israel wants more; more water and more villages. To obtain this, there are those who want, with God's assistance, a final solution to the Palestinian problem. The Palestinians have so many other countries, certain Israeli politicians have argued; we have only one.
Or as the highest protector of the state of Israel puts it: "May God continue to bless America." A little child took note of that. She turned to her mother, saying: "Why does the President always end his speeches with 'God bless America'? Why not, 'God bless the world'?"
We do not recognize the state of Israel. Not today, not as of this writing, not in the hour of grief and wrath. If the entire Israeli nation should fall to its own devices and parts of the population have to flee the occupied areas into another diaspora, then we say: May the surroundings stay calm and show them mercy. It is forever a crime without mitigation to lay hand on refugees and stateless people.
From Norwegian by Sirocco
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Another Crime that Did Not Happen!

War Images: Pax Israeliana on Live TV
Images of War: Hollywood & Nazionist Propaganda
I also got another Hate mail that objects to the use of word genocide to describe what is going on in Lebanon. Seems that someone has an exclusivity on "genocides," in both the victim and the perpetrator roles. Human life is not measured in numbers. Human life is invaluable, no matter what the numbers are. Otherwise, it's just a matter of time till we qualify for Genocide - courtesy of the IDF.
For those people who live in "Hollywood," all death looks the same. All rubble looks the same. Truth and lie are the same. It might be confusing: In the age of Photoshop, even a photo is no longer a reliable source. Here is the Link to the Nazionist Propaganda piece:
My answer is:it's also documented on Video. Time will come - your time, and the time for truth!!
It takes more than Hollywood and Bollywood combined to be able to produce such a film set.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Amensty: 1.8 million asked to write to Israeli government demanding safe passage for trapped civilians
Israeli bombardment of roads, bridges, telecommunication transmitters, electricity networks and fuel depots throughout southern Lebanon has forced tens of thousand of civilians to flee their homes. But thousands of others who were unable to leave are now trapped in the area.
"The plight of civilians in the south of Lebanon is at crisis point. Evacuation of civilians who wish to leave must happen immediately, and emergency supplies and aid needs to reach villages in Southern Lebanon urgently," said Kate Gilmore, Amnesty International's Executive Deputy Secretary General.
"The Israeli authorities must allow immediate and unimpeded humanitarian access, as well as safe passage out of Southern Lebanon. It is absolutely shameful that humanitarian convoys trying to deliver badly needed aid cannot gain safe access."
For at least a week, neither the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), nor any other humanitarian or relief organization, has been able to reach the villages under Israeli siege. United Nations' top humanitarian official Jan Egeland on Thursday criticised Israel and Hizbullah for hindering access to 120,000 people still in South Lebanon, calling it a "disgrace".
Amnesty International delegates who visited a number of villages earlier this week reported that in at least two of them, Aitatoun and Bint Jbail, more than 200 people remain trapped, including women, children, elderly and disabled people. At least one of those trapped is a pregnant woman.
The Amnesty International delegates described the unbearable stench of rotting corpses that pervades the villages as the bodies of people killed in their homes remain under the rubble, roaming dogs often indicating where bodies are buried.
"The dire humanitarian situation is not exclusive to the villages that our delegates were able to visit, the situation of despair of those who remain trapped by the conflict is likely to be replicated in villages all over the south of Lebanon," said Kate Gilmore.
"Israel's repeated calls for residents to evacuate villages has led to massive internal displacement. The mere issuing of warnings does not excuse disrespect for the rules of war," Kate Gilmore cautioned.
Amnesty International called on Israel to respect the distinction, that is protected under law, between civilian and military objects. It must put an end to the direct, disproportionate and indiscriminate targeting of civilian objects, such as residential buildings and medical facilities.
Appeal for Cease Fire: Stop Waging War!

The Lebanese Government and Hizbullah have accepted a bi-lateral cease-fire, and to dispatch the Lebanese Army to the Southern Border to take charge of the security situation, assisted by the UN.
Nonetheless, all calls for cease fire have been rejected by Israel, and the one time 48 hour "cessation of air strikes" was violated by Israel, and civilians were targeted.
Please write to the "Israeli" Officials asking for an immediate cease fire, and to put an end to Human Rights Violations in Lebanon that has lead to over 1100 deaths, and to demand a withdrawl of Israeli forces immediately from Lebanon. Also please demand that Israel respects the Geneva Convention on the protection of Civilians, and the treatment of the Prisoners of War.
Amir Peretz
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence
Ministry of Defence
37 Kaplan Street
Tel Aviv 61909
Fax: +972 3 691 6940; +972 3 696 2757; +972 3 691 7915
and to
Chief Military Attorney
Military postal code 9605
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Light vs. Fight: Eat your Hearts Out IDF!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
After an Israeli Air Raid on S. Lebanon: Mother dies in lap of her surviving Child!




Ode of a mother and Child:
My Son,
Oh, thank God you're alive and well,
Listen, time is short,
I can hear the planes coming back;
To you I entrust a country,
As small as your tears,
but more precious than my life,
To you my son, I entrust a tune,
A song of hope, of Liberation,
A song of life, of resurrection,
To you my son, I entrust tomorrow,
Oh yes, To you my son, I entrust a Lebanon,
of the soil that will shroud thousands of those who die
...with their heads high
We will die today, and rise tomorrow,
With waving banners we will rise,
With smiling children,
10,452 smiles!
From heaven I will oversee you,
There, I will be higher than the F-16,
And from above, even from above,
I will defend this country.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
A Coffee in Beirut!
Let's not flaunt strenght at each other, we were trying to have a civilized discussion. Being stronger doesn't mean you're right. Better still let's agree, we're are Right, you are Strong [see my posting below]. Or the other way around, shall we sit and talk this through or should we proceed with killing each other? Or shall we wait till you march on to Beirut and then rockets start falling from across the Dead Sea &Aqaba & Golan from discedents and guerilla fighters who might "just" slip the attention of their governments?
If HA singlehandedly - with Syrian and Iranian support as you claim - put 2 million Israelis in bomb shelters, HA, add to it the new HA of Syria &Jordan &Egypt ...oops, forgot Gaza, sorry.. (you and I know that all the people on those fronts are just Hizbollahs-to-be if this war doesn't stop now). Katiousha anyone?
Or maybe a nuclear bomb from Iran with Pistachio flavour and Khomeini picture painted on the barrel might do the trick? Do keep in mind that Iran lost millions of its people in the Iran-Iraq war. Numbers do not matter for the Ayatollahs - not Iranian, not Israeli, and certainly not Arab numbers. They have already booked their people and ours a place in heaven. Did you make any plans for the afterlife in case of a nuclear warfare? Hurry up, the place is filling up fast.
Bottom line, Iranians can claim they are stronger and more cruel, do you want them to drop their Nuclear Arsenal on you - for God's sake? Perhaps an itsy bitsy drop of your own poison? Come ON!! Put an end to Maddness NOW before it gets out of hand! If the Iranians aim right, we'll fry from the Radiation for ages. If they aim wrong, they'll just shoot another one at you!!
As an Arab, anyobody is welcome into my home as a guest to have coffee or tea or fresh squeezed lemonade, as a guest. Leave your machine guns outside and F-16 grounded, and come to Beirut as friends - you will note that while you stroll around the down town of the city, that the Jewish neighbourhood - NOT Ghetto - neighbourhood in the middle of Solidere - is still there, and that the 20,000 Lebanese jews who chose to move abroad in 1977 because of the war are still Lebanese citizens and welcome back to their homeland and town anytime, and they are welcome to help rebuild the country that was destroyed by Mad Generals. Can you say the same about the Palestinians who were driven out - even out of courtesy?!
Come as enemies, and the cycle of violence will not cease, and coffee or tea in Beirut you won't have - nor will you have it in Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Haifa, Yafa, or anywhere outside a bomb shelter because them rockets will be falling like rain from all sides next time...
The sky will be filled with war planes and deadly rockets instead of kites and birds.
That's one nightmare, and there's a rosy dream. Wake up and smell the coffee!!
Arabs are Right, Israel is Strong: Let's go over this one more time
Was their no invasion of Israel in 1948 by five Arab armies? Was their no economically mortal blockade of the Suez Canal in 1956?
Of course, I needed a strong drink to calm down. Then I thought that alcoholism would not put an end to ignorance, although it might turn one oblivious to the 4 ton bombs the Israeli Jets are dropping over civilian homes, so I decided to write down another research instead – in simple terms, for those who never read history.
It comes as a surprise to most westerners to know that before 1948, there was no such thing as Israel... there was a country called Palestine.. If green people from Mars drop into Washington D.C. and decide to establish a state of Green Folks right next to Capitol Hill, and the US Army goes in to drive them out, would that be entitled as an invasion of Greenfolksland?
The problem is that no one reads one year before 1948, and if they do, they selectively move two millennia in time, when Jews/Hebrews lived in Palestine, to give Historic Land rights to the Jews in Palestine.
Of course, it escapes their attention that there are plenty of Arab Jews, in Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Morocco, Tunis, and perhaps the Arabs were the only Civilization in HISTORY never to prosecute the Jews. If and when in doubt, find out for yourselves. Many are flabbergasted to know that there are Christian Arabs, or Christian Palestinians. What do you expect; Jesus was born in Palestine for Jeez sake!!
Better still, no one reads how Israel was established over the land of Palestine, and at what humanitarian cost. Before 1948, or to be precise, before May 1948, there was no country on earth called Israel - for more history on that, please check the following link: - Jordan is a moderate Arab state that is "friendly " and at peace with the US and Israel, so I would assume their recounts of the tragedy of Palestine should be well balanced,
Why is that legitimate for the USA but not for the Arabs? Or is it that the European settlers in America, having terminated the Native Americans "Red Indians,' and reduced them to semi-animals and worthless people, consider the land to belongs to the powerful, not to the rightful?
I fail to understand how it is acceptable for one to walk into your home, kick you out (meanwhile, rape your wife, tear you with a knife, kill your kids, steal your money), then call the police every time you try to break back in Your OWN home? Is that NOT audacious? Am I required to keep my temper and knock politely? It reminds me so much of the movie, Anger Management - Jack Nicholson? Someone drives you mad then cries foul!!
1956… In Simple Words
In 1956, Abdul Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal. If you know anything of slave labor, you should check how the Egyptians were dragged in slave marches to dig the canal in the 1850s, and how Colonial Britain and France took the full proceeds of the canal because "they built it" - just like the farmers of the southern states "planted tobacco and cotton" – ignoring their labour. In 1956, Nasser nationalized the Canal as a property of the Egyptian People.
Please run a quick moral comparison with George Washington. Washington was an English man, but still he rose against England and demanded independence and land rights and equal treatments - Washington rose against HIS own country. At least, Nasser was an Arab, asking for the Egyptian Canal to belong to the Egyptian People. In military terms, Washington betrayed his homeland (England), Nasser didn't. Why do you acclaim Washington a hero but Nasser a terrorist?
"We the people," said the Egyptians, want our resources back. We the people, said Nasser, Shall take it back. What happened, England, France &Israel attacked Egypt (not the other way around). If it weren't for the Soviet Union threat to side with Egypt, they would have occupied Egypt. Let me repeat, English, French armies, and Jewish Immigrants who barely knew Hebrew at the time, want to take a canal back from Egyptians who dug the canal in 1856, with their hands, with their sweat, in their land, between the two seas that separate their country.. Land belongs to the people; Arab Egyptian Land, Arab Egyptian people, Arab Egyptian right of self Defense. No more, no less.
Israel rose on the bodies of dead Arabs in 1948, Arab states (just like Texas would run for the help of Florida) sent their armies to help their brethren.
Because, "We the people" cried the Arab Palestinians "want to have our country." Therefore, the 1956, 1967, 1973 wars were a continuation of wars not to "get Jews out of the land" only, but to "get them Palestinians back into their homes as well. Those wars did not have any relationship to the Jews history, to their origins, to their grievances against Europeans and everyone else except the Arabs. It had to do with their attitude and actions. Remember, Arabs & Muslims were the only two civilizations in history not to prosecute Jews per se. Arabs and Muslims are not responsible for the discrimination against Jews or for the prosecution of Jews or for the Holocaust. Arabs were next in Line on Hitler's list to be turned into fertilizer.
In 2006, Israel is destroying the country because it is "defending its citizens", and the US, Bush and Rice are both watching over protectively. How come Arabs had no right to "defend their citizens and sovereignty" in 1948?
An age when the victim turns oppressor, and the oppressor plays victim is a very sad age indeed. It's sadder when this happens when it happens in a world of free flow of media.
For God's sake, or for whatever you believe in's sake, go to, type Palestine, Israel, 1948, Nakba, and Read.
Human life is sacred, human dignity is valued, human rights, including the right of having a country and a nationality is universally agreed.
Admittedly, regardless of who is right and who is wrong, both sides have committed atrocities against each other, and the conflict was not between armed forces, civilians were caught in the line of fire. Could it have been different?
Jewish life is sacred, Jewish dignity is valued, Jewish rights, including the right of having a country and a nationality is universally agreed. Of all people, we the Arabs agree.
Equally important, Arab life is sacred, Arab dignity is valued, Arab rights, including the right of retaining their country and their nationality is universally agreed. Yet all peoples of the world seem to turn the deaf ear and the blind eye.
Could it have been different? See my post tomorrow, it will be titled:
Only if Theodore Hertzel were Theodore Hertzelian?
Beirut "Poem by Nadia Tueni"
Give it your best Shot... Halutz!

Israel should try harder to destroy more. The Wimps!! Considering that we are under attack, and under siege, everything in Beirut is available and plenty thank God - except severe shortage of Fuel. The problem is to get aide through - inside town and outside town - to almost 1 million displaced people.
One might ask, what's the use of piling food/medicine/fuel in storage if they don't get to those who need them? Having failed to stop the resistance forces, the IDF (Indiscriminet Destructive Force) of Israel has destroyed 150 bridges that connect cities, and their warplanes attack everything that moves, including Ambulances. With nothing left to destroy, now they are trying to level the mountains with their fury.. they have gone mad .. There are the sort of people who would run after a mosquito with an F-16.. the poor poor poor little minds.
Poor Poor Poor little jealous minds!
One thing there is no shortage of is High spirits, we know it won't be easy, the war mongers have managed to throw 700,000 people into public schools and the rest into friends homes or even driving them out of the country, they are still working to destroy Lebanese houses and livelihoods, but they have not destroyed Lebanese spirit. Hell, they've not even scratched the surface!
I have never seen so much unity in Lebanon as I've seen in this war.. Unbelievable.. People are actually SMILING at each other at supermarkets and on intersections, and opening their houses for complete strangers. Another thing Israeli generals succeeded in was to make Israel as an enemy for every single Lebanese. Some had illusions that Peace can prevail, but Israel just proved to every single Lebanese, and to 200 million Arabs that Israelis are not after self defense, otherwise how do you justify targeting Farmers two hundred kilometers NORTH of the border. Do they think Lebanon is North Korea? Do they think that if Hezbollah (HA) has weapons of 200km range, they would shoot them from the El Qaa Village when they're capable of shooting RIGHT under the noses of the IDF at the border line and right under the nose of the IDF warplanes
How it Started, Before it Ends.
For those who will throw accusations back at me of being anti-semite, I can afford to be called an anti-semite, as I am a semite myself!! Try something else.
Ignorance is not always the best defense in the face of terrorism and hatred.I'm back at work despite the dangers involved, in the afternoons and weekends I try to contribute some work with the disaster relief efforts. To make it easier to comprehend, Lebanon is asking for Earthquake relief equipments , a magnitude 8 earthquake. As if it's not enough destruction, any moving vehichle heading towards the severed cities or towns, whether an ambulance, a truck, a motor cycle, a UN or International Red Cross truck, ANYTHING is being targeted. Those are the civilized people who survived Auschwitz - who have the right to defend themselves.The problem is not the lack of food, medicine, supplies, the problem is that the civilized helpless defenseless [yeah.. right] Israelis hit any truck carrying aid - or should i say, especialy any truck carrying aid. They managed to kill 65 people, including 42 children in Qana in a bomb shelther last sunday, and prevented ambulances from arriving there for 12 hours. The very same village they "accidently" dropped a bomb that killed 102 civilians in 1996 who were seeking refuge in a UN barracks, and lately they have grown accustomed to the killing of civilians everywhere else around the country. 1000 Dead civilians.